
Showing posts from 2011

Treat time

If you misplace a to do item by adding it to an unknown date does that mean you don't have to do it?

weekly review time - past, present and future all rolled into one moment on a Friday afternoon


I knew I was answering too many emails - Outlook just crashed (that's work, I use Thunderbird)

time to sit and relax(?) while I watch the fades

catching up with The Fades on bbc iPlayer, good so far

Present again

My present

Birthday present

Dear Santa, a real one please

watching and enjoying Watchmen again

I don't need advice, I need the right attitude

perhaps social network mapping is a little like counting the grains of sand on a beech - perhaps I need a different approach, ideas?

'Touch me not, touch me not, come back tomorrow. O my heart, O my heart shies from the sorrow'

The google invite arrived

Awaiting google+

My new toy

New phone